Where would be without the Nazis? I mean every national dialogue in America these days seems to draw comparisons to Hitler's Germany? Whether its healthcare, militia groups, or reality TV shows, the comment always seems to go, "You know, this is how it was in Germany in 1938." Now, this morning I read that Arizona's new immigration law harkens back to "Nazi Germany". And why? Because it requires a person to produce identification when asked to by police when "reasonable suspicion " occurs.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but instead of comparing such a "radical" approach to Hitler's Germany, couldn't we honestly compare it to any other nation on Earth today. I mean, I live in Hong Kong and I have a Hong Kong Identity card in my wallet which I have to produce at various times to show that I am a resident of the city and have the right to certain services. No one likens the procedure to Hitler's Germany despite the fact that Hong Kong has a similar illegal immigration problem as thousands of mainland Chinese and other Southeast Asians attempt to enter the territory.
All ready though the "sky is falling" crowd has began their insane knee jerk reactions. The city of San Francisco has "banned" business travel of their state employees to Arizona. (Are you kidding me?) Of course, if San Francisco is against it, its a pretty good indication that something is right with the bill. The US Attorney has vowed to overturn it...this despite the view from most legal experts that the bill is based on sound and reasonable law.
Personally, I love immigration...legally. The irony in all of this is that over time, if this bill is as effective as I think it could be, then it will be a very positive thing for the hispanic community that is here legally. For too long a cloud of suspicion has hung over them as they have often been grouped into "illegal" status in people's minds. Immigration (a positive thing) has been confused with illegal immigration (a negative thing). The line is so blurred that if you say you are against illegal immigration, you get lumped in as against immigration entirely. Its like saying if you against highway speeding, you must also be against driving.
If we can get immigration under control in this country, it will be a forward step in the integration of all Americans regardless of their ethnicity.