But Tammy and I were watching the BBC news before church on Sunday morning and a movie review and interview with James McAvoy, who plays the mutant leader Charles Xavier, came on. I hadn't realized that the new movie was a period piece set in 1960's Cold War America and that McAvoy would be assuming the younger version of the role Patrick Stewart played in the original 3 movies of the franchise.
Now, I'm a sucker for movies set in the '60's. Besides the fact that it was the decade that brought yours truly into the world, the style of the time mixed with the US-Soviet paranoia makes for a fantastic film backdrop. No cell phones, internet, or Facebook. Just good old fashioned CIA-KGB espionage with guys wearing cool horn rimmed glasses.
Anyhow, the reason I'm doing a short post on the movie is because it so surpassed my expectations. The four of us (yes Ethan was there) caught the 3:00 showing at Elements Mall and half way through I leaned over to Gabriel & Tammy and said, "This one is much better than the first movies." To which they both nodded.
I'm not going to go into all the details but James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender's versions of a young Charles Xavier and Erick Lensherr (Magneto) surpassed even those of their more distinguished predecessors, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen respectively. Watching the blossoming friendship between the two knowing that they will end up becoming mortal enemies is one of my favorite plot devices. Smallville used it so successfully when it built up the Lex Luthor / Clark Kent feeling of brotherhood only to feel, as the viewer, the internal turmoil personally when you see it disintegrate. X-Men First Class surpasses expectations because it's focus is on these two and their love / hate relationship. Super powered fights and special effects were secondary to the feeling of a Shakespearean tragedy that was unfolding on screen before your very eyes.
Oh, and I can't finish this post without mentioning Kevin Bacon. When is this guy going to get an Oscar? I mean, no he won't get one for X-Men First Class, but the guy brings his A-game to every film he's in.
Anyhow, get out to see X-Men: First Class...its well worth it!