Alas, when I had the photos correct and the post just the way I wanted it, I hit "
Publish Post"...and then whole computer froze! A sudden panic turned to relief thinking that blogpost saves regularly and the loss, if any, should be minimal. Re-booting the computer however proved otherwise. For some reason, nothing was saved...and for those of you saying, "Did you try such and such" the answer is "Yes, I did...and it didn't help"
My wonderful blog post detailing our stay at the
Hard Rock Hotel, exotic dinner at
Fernandoes, and the Vegas style extravaganza show "
House of the Dancing Water" was forever lost into the digital abyss. The thought of trying to recreate it was too depressing a thought to contemplate.
Actually, I was furious... but rather than pounding on my desk like a madman and using language that my mother would disapprove of, I went to the gym and had an amazing work out. Now after avoiding this blog for the last 5 or 6 days....I'm back! Here are the pictures from the post you never got to see
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